The Silver Linings of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Reading Time: 6 minutes

I saw this picture on Facebook a few weeks ago.

While we are suffering no visible physical pain, it is easy to feel frustrated, hopeless, and/or helpless since we are fighting an invisible war that we are contributing primarily by inaction and social isolation, both of which humans aren’t good at. I have a friend who would go to yoga retreat and meditate for hours, or for days at a time. I would ask myself, “how hard would that be?” “Well, from what we are going through now, very hard.”

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Emergency Fund or Invest?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

One of the members at the Tap Dancing to Financial Independence group posted this question a few days ago.

“The member and her husband have a 6 month emergency fund and as of now their employment is safe. The member is a paralegal and her husband is a software engineer. They have one child with another on the way in July. They have had an influx of cash in addition to the stimulus check. Also, as a result of increased earnings and lower spending they can increase savings by $1K per month.

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